Luxid events

World Tour x Luxid-Image

Salesforce World Tour Essentials

Meet us at the event!

Step into the future of business innovation at the Salesforce World Tour Essentials event

Data Martech

Musiikkitalo, Helsinki


In Person

The voice of the customer

Luxid: In Person 2024 on-demand videos

Learn more about marketing technology and delve into thought-provoking conversations with our experts in this exclusive event all about “The voice of the customer”. 

Artificial intelligence Data Martech


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BBN Webinar

AI in data driven digital marketing

In this webinar you will hear hands on examples on what it means to be data driven and AI assisted in digital marketing. Ville & Robert discuss and keep it close to their everyday work through use cases and examples.

Artificial intelligence Data


BBN webinar Data in marketing and sales

BBN webinar

Applying data in marketing and sales

You will hear how marketing measurement and data can support the alliance between sales and marketing and thus also get more business results. What does this require and which things can slow you down.

Data Martech



Martechopia 24

View Outokumpu & Luxid presentation at Martechopia 2024

From legacy to legend: Transforming B2B marketing with an award-winning martech stack

Data Martech


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Luxid on air 2023

The legal landscape of generative AI

The use of artificial intelligence in the EU will be regulated by the AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI law. This 45-minute webinar will explore the legal landscape of generative AI and the upcoming EU AI Act.

Artificial intelligence


In Person banner square

MarTech today and tomorrow

Luxid: In Person 2023 on-demand videos

Dive into the data-driven, AI-fueled, creative and pragmatic future of marketing together with fellow marketers, industry professionals, and our Luxidian talents. In 2023 the theme was “MarTech today and tomorrow”.

Artificial intelligence Martech
